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B_I.3.2 ICOS + TERENO flux data, second data delivery

titleMeta data of deliverable


D-B1B_I.3.2 ICOS + TERENO flux data, second data delivery


Data provision of ICOS + TERENO in-situ concentration and flux data from ecosystem sites for process characterisation and modelling within Module Q&S. This will include fluxes for CO2, H2O and CH4, N2O where available from eddy covariance measurements as well as related ecosystem parameters. Ecosystem data (ICOS, TERENO) are provided for the existing stations and when available for new stations via the ICOS and TERENO data portals.
The provided tasks are:

  • Compilation and provision of in-situ concentration and flux data

  • support to QA

  • support to data usage for ICOS and TERENO ecosystem sites w.r.t. process studies (Module Q&S)

  • support data access via the TERENO data portal

Data title (in case of data deliverable)

Quality controlled in-situ and flux data from ICOS & TERENO, second data delivery

Input data (in case of data deliverable)

Data from ecosystems sites

Parent work package

WP-B1.3 Provision of Ground-based In-situ Data from ICOS and TERENO Ecosystem Sites

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

Deliverable completion date


Funder / Grant Number

N/A (in-kind)

Deliverable Creator

Christian Brümmer & Hannes Imhof

Deliverable Contact person

Christian Brümmer & Ralf Kiese

Deliverable type

data portal

Data Format (in case of data deliverable)

Comma-separated .csv file with one header line. Format description, metadata, and information on variables are given in the “…VARINFO…” files and on the landing pages of each flux station. Further details are in Pastorello et al. (2020)

Data size (in case of data deliverable)


Location (URL)

Data from the labelled stations are available in the ICOS Carbon Portal ( ) Sites from before 2018, so-called pre-ICOS data, and non-ICOS TERENO stations are available through the European Fluxes Database Cluster ( ), also for sites that have not yet received an official ICOS label.

Literature reference


Planned update cycle

yearly update for ICOS Level-2 data, continuous/sporadic update of non-ICOS site on site-specific schedule

Deliverable version


Last modification date




Important notes