Part 1 | Preliminary data delivery on GHG emissions
Report on Datasets Delivered from UBA to ITMS QS_I.4 (KIT) and ITMS M (DWD)
Jira Link Deliverable:
- IQS-9Getting issue details... STATUS
Jira Link Dataset:
- IQS-48Getting issue details... STATUS
Contributors: Stefan Feigenspan, Theo Wernicke, Christian Mielke
Project Deliverable: Preliminary data set on GHG emissions (CO2, N2O, and CH4) of the sectors industry, energy, transport, agriculture, and waste management based on NIR reporting used as a priori estimates by the following tasks of ITMS M (DWD).
The gridded data set is based on the triangular DWD grid (ICON53) and UTM32 grid with a resolution of 1x1 km². The sectors for emission reporting are included in the data-set are industry, energy, agriculture, transport, and waste. Sector codes are in GNFR format and available as .csv and NetCDF files. The gridded data-sets were produced with data exported and reformated from the ZSE Zentrales System Emissionen) at the UBA (submission 2023) and spatially distributed with the Greta Tool (Version
Greta documentation:
Translation of NFR ↔︎ GNFR Codes (Version 2023-06)
Purpose of Dataset:
Information on the spatial distribution of emissions is important to answer a number of questions in the field of air quality monitoring. Emission data is used to model the dispersion of air pollutants or to visualize the structure of the spatial distribution of emissions. These models show if abatement strategies were successful. For this reason, an ESRI ArcGIS based software has been developed which allows the UBA, independently and on the basis of information generally available, to regularly generate regionalized emission datasets for the complete area of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Test Dataset:
For Testing Purposes, the data from 2021 of the Submission 2023 is available here:
PW: Gr3taTestpackage#
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