1ST ITMS GA 2023 | Contributions
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Welcome Slide:
Christian Mielke (UBA) - Emission Inventory Needs for GHG Mapping, Monitoring and Verification in Germany and Europe
Christoph Gerbig (MPI-BGC) - Overview of ITMS and ITMS-M (Modelling)
Ralf Kiese (KIT-IMK-IFU) - ITMS-Q&S (Sources and Sinks)
Heinrich Bovensmann (IUP Bremen) - ITMS-B (Observations)
Beatrice Ellerhoff (DWD) - ITMS-K (Coordination)
Andrea Kaiser-Weiss (DWD) - Emission verification at DWD built upon ITMS
Diego Jiménez de la Cuesta Otero (DWD) - Idealised experiments: Windows towards improvement in
Philipp Dietz (KIT-IMK-ASF) - Towards a super-simplified OH chemistry for ICON-ART
Linda Schlemmer (DWD) - Operational modelling and data assimilation at DWD
Michał Gałkowski (MPI-BGC) - Measurements of mixing heights over Germany - progress update
Navid Mouji (DWD) - Diagnosing the Mixing Layer Height
Max Reuter (IUP Bremen) & Hannes Imhof (KIT IMK-IFU) - Module B & Q&S Internal User Requirements
Tobias Kneuer (DWD) / Christoph Gerbig (MPI-BGC) - Data streams of ICOS greenhouse gases and expansion to anthropogenic tracers and summary on IAGOS data
Alexander Graf (FZ Jülich) - Flux and biomet data from terrestrial ecosystem sites and an outlook on using Ecosystem stations as Virtual Tall Tower
Gregory Duveiller (MPI-BGC) - Preparing the satellite data necessary for biogenic carbon flux estimations
Max Reuter (IUP Bremen) - XCH4 and XCO data retrieved from TROPOMI on board the Sentinel-5P satellite
Thomas Visarius (IUP Bremen) - Tropospheric NO2 columns retrieved from TROPOMI on board the Sentinel-5P satellite
GA_Session 5 | Sources & Sinks (Module Q&S)
Stephen Ogle (Colorado State Univ.) - Nitrous Oxide emissions and experiences from National Inventories
Clemens Scheer (KIT-IMK-IFU) - QS_I WP4 - Improve spatial and temporal resolution of GHG emissions by biogeochemical modelling
Sophia Walther (MPI-BGC) - QS_I WP3 + QS_II TORCH - High resolution biogenic carbon flux estimation with a data-driven approach
Sanam Vardag, Christopher Lüken-Wilkens and Lukas Pilz (IUP Heidelberg) - Monitoring Urban CO2 Emissions: Towards high-resolution OSSE of Urban Areas
Thomas Koch (DWD) - Estimating European CH4 fluxes using the CarboScope Regional atmospheric inversion system
Diego Jiménez de la Cuesta Otero (DWD) - Documentation and user requirements from ITMS-M-DWD
Saqr Munassar (MPI-BGC) - NEE estimates derived from CarboScope-Regional inversion
Michael Weimer (IUP Bremen) - Preparing for XCO2 data from the future CO2M satellite mission
Sebastian Wolff (DLR) - Synthetic MERLIN XCH4 data
Heinrich Bovensmann (IUP Bremen) - Top-Down CH4 Emission estimates of localized emitters using in-situ and remote sensing Ground based and Aircraft Data
Katrin Krzepek (TU Darmstadt) - Methane measurement from peatlands using in-situ measurements and remote sensing: A project outline
André Butz (IUP Heidelberg) - High-resolution satellite images of XCO2 and XCH4 in support of ITMS
André Butz (IUP Heidelberg) - Ground-based FTIR measurements of XCO2, XCH4, and XCO in support of ITMS
Nicolas Brüggemann (FZ Jülich) - Long-term high-frequency ISOtope-specific MONitoring of H2O, CO2, CH4 and N2O Exchange between Atmosphere and
Stephan Feigenspan (UBA) - QS_I WP1 - Spatially and temporally highly resolved GHG emissions
Sabine Banzhaf and Martijn Schaap (FU Berlin) - QS_II ARTEMIS - The ARTEMIS project - Scope and current state of work
Roland Fuß (Thünen) - National Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions)
Harrie-Jan Hendricks-Frenssen, Michael Herbst (FZ Jülich) - QS_II Agri-For-Live - Modelling of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agricultural, Forest and Livestock systems of Germany
Jaber Rahimi (KIT-IMK-IFU) - Experiences in modelling GHG inventory for cropping systems in Denmark
Martina Schlaipfer (HSWT) - QS_II MODELPEAT - Modeling of greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands in Germany: merging statistical and process based model approaches
Dominik Brunner (Empa) - Top-down Support of Swiss non-CO2Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting to UNFCCC
Alistair Manning (Met Office) - Sharing the experiences from the PARIS Project
Ingeborg Levin (IUP Heidelberg) - Current challenges in developing a process-based radon flux map for Europe
Thomas Rösch (DWD) - Development of an ICON-based GHG Data Assimilation and Inversion System
Akil Hossain (DWD) - Exploring the applicability of scaling inversion
Niels Heinrich Keil (DWD) - GHG data assimilation with 3D-VAR scheme
Valentin Bruch (DWD) - GHG inversion with a local ensemble transform Kalman filter
Anne-Marlene Blechschmidt (DWD) Plans for GHG satellite data assimilation at DWD
Christoph Gerbig (MPI-BGC) - Towards CH4 Satellite data assimilation with ICON-ART - CTDAS
Danilo Custódio (MPI-BGC) - Use of aircraft profile information to evaluate global and regional GHG data assimilation systems
Fabian Maier (MPI-BGC) - Simultaneous use of multiple species - an outlook on WP-M.6
GA_Session 12 | Parallel Session Module M
Rachael Akinyede - ITMS-M coordination: Recent Developments and Updates
Diego Jiménez de la Cuesta Otero (DWD) - Documentation and user requirements from ITMS-M-DWD
Beatrice Ellerhoff (DWD) - Tracing the ITMS project progress and scientific success
Christian Plaß-Dülmer (DWD) - Discussion of a potential traceability matrix for ITMS
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