D-B_I.6.1.1 S5P tropospheric NO2 und XCO: data interface and data quality

D-B_I.6.1.1 S5P tropospheric NO2 und XCO: data interface and data quality

D-B_I.6.1.1 S5P tropospheric NO2 and XCO: data interface and data quality

D-B_I.6.1.1 S5P tropospheric NO2 and XCO: data interface and data quality


The PDF document about the NO2 part describes the data format of the TROPOMI/NO2 IUP-UB product, the interface for use in ITMS and provides some examples of the data. The description given here is for the standard product V1.0, which is the baseline for the development of a high-resolution data product for Germany and Europe within the ITMS project. The validation and assessment of the data quality with regard to its suitability for ITMS, including error characterisation and validation will be provided together with the first version of the dedicated ITMS NO2 product when it becomes available. Here, we present results of two sensitivity studies motivating the improvements of the product which are being work on in the ITMS project.

The PDF-document about the XCO part describes the data format of the TROPOMI/WFMD XCO product, the interface for use in ITMS and provides the validation and assessment of the data quality with regard to its suitability for ITMS, including error characterisation and test data for Module M. The data analysis provides realistic estimates for random and systematic errors as well as for the uncertainties of the data product and relates these figures of merit to the mission and user requirements. The TROPOMI/WFMD v1.8 product is currently available from the beginning of 2018 up to April 2024 on the website of the University of Bremen.

Data title



Input data


Parent workpackage

WP-B1.6 Satellite Data on Fossil Fuel Tracer CO and NO2 Tailored for ITMS Applications

Deliverable completion date


Funder / Grant Number

ITMS B: BMBF / 01 LK2103A

Deliverable Creator

Andreas Richter, Oliver Schneising-Weigel, Thomas Visarius

Deliverable Contact person

Andreas Richter

Deliverable type

Report, including test data for XCO

Data Format

For NO2 the format is netCDF similar to the operational TROPOMI data format.

For XCO the format is NetCDF according to standard of C3S.

Data size

NO2: ca. 3GB / day for global product

XCO: 130 GB

Location (URL)


TROPOMI/WFMD XCH4 and XCO data product:

Literature reference

A scientific algorithm to simultaneously retrieve carbon monoxide and methane from TROPOMI onboard Sentinel-5 Precursor

Advances in retrieving XCH4 and XCO from Sentinel-5 Precursor: improvements in the scientific TROPOMI/WFMD algorithm

Planned update cycle

The deliverable is intended as fixed.

Deliverable version

Valid for TROPOMI/WFMD XCO v1.8 and TROPOMI/NO2 IUP-UB v1.0

Last modification date



ITMS internal

4-eye check

Anne Blechschmidt

Important notes




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