Lead: Rachael Akinyede
Main contributors: Hannes Imhof, Beatrice Ellerhoff, Andrea Kaiser-Weiss, Max Reuter, Michael Weimer.
Summary: This deliverable partly addresses the setup of a convenient online communication tool and data exchange tools with the aim of facilitating communication within and outside the project. This involves creating a FIONA CMS system for the website hosted by the Max Planck Society (MPG) CMS.
Responsible contact Persons for the CMS instance: Christoph Gerbig & Rachael Akinyede.
Website Editors: Rachael Akinyede, Hannes Imhof, Beatrice Ellerhoff, Max Reuter, Michael Weimar.
Website URL: www.itms-germany.de (Status: Live since ).
Detailed information on the website content development, navigation structure, and workflow can be found on a restricted page (available to the ITMS coordination group and Projektträger only!) on the ITMS-K space here: /wiki/spaces/ITMSK/pages/207880261
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