Welcome to the ITMS General Assembly 2024 documentation space!

This public space has been developed to provide all the information you need about the ITMS general assembly, 2024 at Karlsruhe, Germany.

General Information about the 2nd ITMS General Assembly


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About the ITMS GA 2024

This 2nd General Assembly brings together all funded partners of the collaborative ITMS research project to discuss its recent progress. The main objectives of this meeting are:

  1. To discuss scientific findings, cooperation, and exchange based on presentations from the funded partners regarding their contributions

  2. To analyze and enhance synergies between existing and planned national and international research programs

  3. To share information about the project's benchmarking, planning, and communication

Besides the partners already involved, the invitation to this general assembly is also aimed at anyone interested in contributing to and using ITMS results.

The ITMS Coordination Group is looking forward to meeting you at the 2nd ITMS General Assembly at the FTU Aula, KIT Campus Nord in Karlsruhe.

In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact us.