General information for the 2nd ITMS General Assembly 2024

General information for the 2nd ITMS General Assembly 2024

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Dear ITMS colleagues,

We are happy to announce that the registration for the 2nd General Assembly of ITMS is now open. Please register until 16.07.2023 at: http://www.itms-germany.de/en/ga2024 . We have below a few essential pieces of information to facilitate your travel organization, which is also available in confluence:  https://itmsgermany.atlassian.net/l/cp/AYku8Sh1.

Direct Link to the Registration page: https://kit-event.ungerboeck.net/PROD/emc00/PublicSignIn.aspx?&aat=7677317950762f6a6a3344716b6579392f4d2f662b323156625855414b62624975302b3937644c763077493d)

Location: The venue is in the Aula of the "Fortbildungszentrum für Technik und Umwelt (FTU)" at the Campus North, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen. Link to Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/xKjjd1LcyMEeuDRX9 .
Directions: https://itms-germany.de/35276/ITMS_GA_2024_Directions.pdf

Agenda: The drafted Agenda is available here: https://www.itms-germany.de/35266/ITMS_GA_2024_Agenda.pdf

Shuttle Service: Commuting to Campus North from the city centre/hotel can be inconvenient. We therefore offer a shuttle service to the venue each day to allow for a smooth start in the mornings s. Please indicate on which days you intend to use the provided shuttle bus. More information: https://itms-germany.de/35276/ITMS_GA_2024_Directions.pdf

Hotels: Only a few hotels in Karlsruhe can accommodate many people. We have reserved a contingent of rooms in the Motel One to accommodate as many persons as centralized as possible to be able to provide a shuttle service. However, since the price for overnight stays is beyond the standard rule for some institutions a few contingency rooms in the Berliner Hof have been reserved. More information: Hotels (https://itmsgermany.atlassian.net/l/cp/WfQbj84Y )

Registration Tickets: For the registration to the General Assembly, we will charge a 15€ service fee for each day. This fee covers catering during lunchtime, the shuttle service as well as coffee and drinks during the event. Due to organizational constraints, a visit to the Campus North refectory “Casino” is impossible. A 100% refund in the event of cancellation is guaranteed up to 3 weeks before the start of the event.

Contributions: Your scientific module coordinators will contact you to plan the scientific sessions. As a short teaser, we have provided the preliminary agenda here: (https://www.itms-germany.de/35266/ITMS_GA_2024_Agenda.pdf). Contributions consist of an overview talk by the module coordinator, selected highlight talks, and poster sessions with elevator pitches.

Special Note for all KIT employees: please use the link below, as less tax regulations apply:


On behalf of the ITMS coordination group
Roland Ruhnke & Hannes Imhof

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